EVERLAST CRAFTS SUCCESS WITH WORKFORCE TRAINING For over five decades, Everlast has been an integral part of the tight-knit community of Moberly. Serving as the sole domestic manufacturing site for Everlast branded items, the facility has been a cornerstone of the community since 1966. While the brand originated in 1910 and is now headquartered in …
SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS HELP DEMA MANUFACTURING SIMPLIFY DEMA Engineering of St. Louis, which produces fluid dispenser systems for a variety of industries, needed to find efficiencies throughout their company. Company leaders wanted to merge all their company-wide processes into one software system. Their goal was to have one computer system control all aspects of the …
SPECIALIZED TRAINING HELPS UNILEVER INVEST IN WORKFORCE Unilever of Jefferson City has seen considerable expansion over the last two years. This growth created a large investment in equipment modernization and additional production capabilities. It also brought about the need to upskill the company’s workforce to meet current industry standards. In partnership with Missouri One Start, …
SCHOLASTIC UTILIZES CUSTOMIZED TRAINING PROGRAM TO ENSURE RELEVANT WORKFORCE Jefferson City based Scholastic Books, Inc wanted training for employees that would help them create efficiencies in their operations. The goal was to educate participants on process improvement and the tools they could use in their employment. Yet, they needed a course customized to their specific …
ONGOING TRAINING PARTNERSHIP PROVIDES LASTING RESULTS Over the last 10 years, PFS Brands and State Technical College have built an enduring and successful relationship around training programs. As a result of this partnership, the company has seen growth in various areas including production and expansion, as well as employee training, development, and retention. PFSbrands recently …
KAWASAKI MOTORS UPSKILLS EXISTING WORKFORCE FOR NEW PRODUCTION LINES Over the last few years, Kawasaki Motors Manufacturing in Maryville experienced rapid growth due to the addition of semi-automated machining lines, new die cast machinery, and engine assembly lines. The expansion of operations created a need for additional employees and gave the current workforce the opportunity …
SKILLS TRAINING FILLS GAP LEFT BY RETIREES Procter and Gamble’s Cape Girardeau plant faced a significant loss of skill and work experience when electrical technicians began reaching retirement age and leaving the workforce. Evolving technology, coupled with the fact that electricians promoted from within the company had little to no initial electrical training, meant that …
BRUNSON INSTRUMENT COMPANY & METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE (KANSAS CITY) Brunson Instrument Company first opened its doors in 1927 as a one-man repair shop founded by A.N. Brunson to assist early land surveyors in calibrating their equipment. After hearing many customer complaints about the technology that was available at the time, Brunson took on the challenge …
METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE CONTINUES TO PARTNER WITH LEADERS LIKE EXHIBIT ASSOCIATES Kansas City business Exhibit Associates has been partnering with Local Education Agency Metropolitan Community College (MCC) for essential cross training needs since 2017. The company builds custom displays that are used in trade shows, museums, and corporations all around the world, including the exhibits …
MISSOURI: VIRTUAL REALITY TRAINING HELP SPEED WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT In Missouri, the “silicon prairie”, where Kansas City & St. Louis are ranked by the bookings institution as rising star metros for tech jobs, Virtual Reality training is gaining ground. Fourteen of the 16 community colleges and tech schools Missouri One Start partners with provide VR instruction. …
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